Butterfly Season in Phipps
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Botanical Garden
Every year in spring the Phipps Conservatory hosts their annual butterfly exhibition. This was the perfect opportunity to try out my new macro lens while enjoying a nice afternoon in an amazing place. I am not an animal or flower photographer, but I enjoy trying out new things.
As cute as those critters are, they are always busy and swirling around. On top of that it’s matting time for them as well. So you will see many of them chasing after each other. Your best chance to catch a glimpse at them is when they land to feed of the flowers.

A word of caution though. The time of the butterfly exhibition coincides with the graduation of the major universities in Pittsburgh. If you plan to come on the weekends be prepared to wait a long time in lines to get to the butterfly room. Also the huge masses of people do not help to settle the butterflies down.

The butterfly exhibition in Phipps is pretty good. But if you can afford it, or by chance are nearby, you should checkout the butterfly sanctuary in Kuranda: http://australianbutterflies.com/. They have an even bigger variety of butterflies and they come in all forms, sizes and colors. Unfortunately I visited Australia before I got into photography and do not have any good pictures from there. But rest assured it is well worth the trip.